
Cost / Benefit Analysis

Cost / Benefit Analysis

Cost / Benefit Analysis: Drone

Tool / Technology: Drone Analysis prepared by (country): Norway Production type the tool/technology is relevant for: Dairy  / Meat / Both Description of the “benchmark” farm for which the analysis is performed: Country: Norway Production type: Mainly outdoors / Housed 0-3 months a year / Housed 4-8 months a year…
Renáta Klein
June 3, 2024
Cost / Benefit Analysis

Cost / Benefit Analysis: GPS collar

Tool / Technology: GPS collar Analysis prepared by (country): Norway Production type the tool/technology is relevant for: Dairy  / Meat / Both Description of the “benchmark” farm for which the analysis is performed: Country: Norway Production type: Mainly outdoors / Housed 0-3 months a year / Housed 4-8 months a…
Renáta Klein
June 3, 2024
Cost / Benefit Analysis

Cost / Benefit Analysis: Virtual fence

Tool / Technology: Virtual fence Analysis prepared by (country): Norway Production type the tool/technology is relevant for: Dairy  / Meat / Both Description of the “benchmark” farm for which the analysis is performed: Country: UK Production type: Mainly outdoors / Housed 0-3 months a year / Housed 4-8 months a…
Renáta Klein
June 2, 2024
Cost / Benefit Analysis

Cost / Benefit Analysis: Autodrafter

Tool / Technology: Autodrafter Analysis prepared by (country): Hungary Production type the tool/technology is relevant for: Dairy  / Meat / Both Description of the “benchmark” farm for which the analysis is performed: Country: Hungary Production type: Mainly outdoors / Housed 0-3 months a year / Housed 4-8 months a year…
Renáta Klein
June 2, 2024
Dairy Goats Dairy Sheep Meat Sheep
NIBIO Tjøtta – Digifarm Norway
UNISS, Universty of Sassari Department of Agriculture
Le CHIIRPO - Sm@RT Platform
CIIRPO Le Mourier – Digifarm France
Norway Innovative Farm: Elgvasslien, Folldal
Norway Innovative Farm: Oppisto Mjøen, Oppdal
Norway Innovative Farm: Kvalsjord Gård, Oppdal
Norway Innovative farm: Usti Gard, Oppdal
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