
Kost/nytte-analyse: Virtuelt gjerde for mjølkegeit

By juni 3, 2024juni 14th, 2024No Comments

Sm@RT Platform EU Funding

Tool / Technology: Virtual fence

Analysis prepared by (country): Norway

Production type the tool/technology is relevant for: Dairy  / Meat / Both

Description of the “benchmark” farm for which the analysis is performed:

Country: UK

Production type:

Mainly outdoors / Housed 0-3 months a year / Housed 4-8 months a year / Mainly indoors

Farm grazing area: 120 ha (10 ha arable land and fenced pasture. Abundant rangeland grazing area for summer grazing.)

Species: Sheep

Number of animals: 30 ewes

Breed: Grey Trønder sheep breed

Number of staff: 1


Første oppsett

Capital costs (Large items e.g. a weigh crate, auto-drafter, etc.):

€1 – €500 / €501- €1,000 / €1,001-€2,500 / €2,501-€5,000 / €5,001-€15,000 / > €15,000

Individual costs (Smaller items e.g. per tag, per sample, per collar):

€1 – €20 / €21- €50 / €51-€200 / €201-€500 / > €500

Equipment leasing costs (if not purchased):

Annual / Monthly / Weekly / €1 – €50 / €51-€200 / €201-€500 / > €500

Lifetime of the technology (approximately how long will it last before needing replaced)?

1 – 4 weeks / 1-6 months / 6 – 12 months / 1-2 years / 2-5 years / > 5 years

Farm infrastructure requirements:

Decrease / Increase / No change /

Percentage of animals within the flock/herd that use/are equipped/take advantage of the technology?



Power source requirements (tick all that apply):

Not required / Mains / Battery / Solar / Other

Subscription fee – Needed? Yes / No

If yes

Per flock / herd: Annual  €1 – €50

Per individual animal: Monthly €51 – €200

Per unit:Weekly /€201 – €500 / Over €500

Additional licences or permits required? No / Yes – Annual / Yes – Monthly / Yes – Weekly

If yes, cost:

€1 – €50 / €51 – €200 / €201 – €500 / Over €500

Maintenance cost – included in the subscription? Yes / No / Not applicable

If no, cost per month:

€1 – €50 / €51 – €200 / €201 – €500 / Over €500

Maintenance / replacement parts:

Easy to obtain / Difficult to obtain / Not obtainable / Don’t know

Technical / mechanical support provided on farm, after purchase? Yes / No

Krav til opplæring

Training required to install / use? Yes / No

If yes, time range?

Up to an hour / Half day / Full day / More

Additional technical advice required (e.g. advisor time)? Yes / No

Are there additional costs associated with training and/or technical advice? Yes / No


(tick all that apply)


Labour / time saving.

Accuracy of records (health, management, movements etc.).

Management decisions for animal groupings.

Better individual animal management.

Improved medicine use.

Better nutrition / meeting requirements better.

Improved use of feed resource (grazing, concentrates, etc.).

Product quality improvements (e.g. hay, carcass, growth, milk, etc.).

Increased information on production system.

Opportunity for sharing / moving device (more than one location).


Reduced stress to the animal(s).

Improved welfare of the animals(s).

Additional information on animal behaviour.

Information on water intake / water availability.

Information on food intake / food availability.


Compatibility with other devices.

Ease of data transfer to other software.

Easy to use once installed.


Reduced stress to farmer / staff.

Environmental benefits (e.g. reduced wastage, improved biodiversity, etc.)

Helps to attract new entrants in to the small ruminant industries.

En annen fordel som ikke er nevnt? Vennligst oppgi detaljer:

Can expand farm grazing area/feed resources available, as there is no need for a physical fence.

May be the tool that will keep sheep farmers into sheep farming, as well as allowing recruitment of young farmers.

Samlet oppsummering:

Ease of use? Scale 1 (Complicated) – 10 (Simple)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Value for money (for this type of benchmark farm)?

Yes / No / Maybe

Recommend this tool/technology for use on other types of farm?

Yes / No / Maybe

Additional comments?

Annual costs vary depending on subscription choice. If the system in in use all year there is a fixed price per collar. Payment can also be per collar per day.

Storsteigen VGS – Digifarm Norge
NIBIO Tjøtta – Digifarm Norway
UNISS, Universty of Sassari Department of Agriculture
UK Innovative Farm – Southfield
Italian Innovative Farm: Dairy Sheep
Italian Innovative Farm: Dairy Goat 2
Italian Innovative Farm: Dairy Goat 1