Time management software
Know the distribution of the breeder’s working time and analyze his organization
Aptimiz is a solution for the automatic measurement of manual and mechanized working time considering the distribution by activity and by type of production.
Thanks to geolocation, Aptimiz determines the work on which the breeder is working and records the time spent without any entry. Time can be analyzed by task, by area, by person, by machine, taking travel times into consideration.
The web platform from Aptimiz makes it possible to analyze working time. To do this, visualization tools present the analysis of working time from a technical, economic, and organizational point of view.
How to implement:
① Install the Aptimiz application on a smartphone or obtain the AZ21 GPS sensor sold by Aptimiz.
② Contact Aptimiz team for account configuration
③ The application runs in the background on the phone. The breeder accesses his data through the web interface.
Expected benefits:
Have a global and detailed vision of the distribution of work in order to be able to calculate the hourly profitability for the control of the time spent on each work. The collection is automated, which limits data entry.
Prerequisites and/or limits:
To use this management software, you must have a smartphone always with you and fully charged with Aptimiz application or the AZ221 GPS sensor sold by Aptimiz (it replaces the smartphone by offering the same functionalities as the application with a battery life of several days of charging).
This is an offline operation, and no network is needed. The entire working group involved in the farm (partners, employees) must be equipped with this tool.
These automatic recordings must be accompanied by discussion times, to optimize this tool.
Cost / Benefit Analysis

Production system (Dairy or/and meat sheep/goat):
Category of Animal (ewe, goat, replacement, lamb, kid):
Source of information: