
  • There is a need to analyze data from sheep and goat farms, but usually, no data is available.Flocks are getting bigger and if we want to record data on farm – birth, pregnancy, vaccinations, diseases, etc. we need to be able to collect data and then analyze it.


  • Collect data from many on farm devices – parlor, milk tank, pedometers, weighting devices, etc. to create a reliable output


This software can be installed on the farm PC, on the farmer’s smartphone, or on any device with an internet connection.

How to implement:

  • From the installation of the software and the registration data is collected.Some devices can upload the data automatically and some data may require manual input.The software is capable of showing all relevant analysis to breeders, consultants, veterinarians, and so on.The software works on three levels:
    • Individual animal
    • Group
    • Whole farm

Expected benefits:

  • Consistent knowing of the farm situation on all levels- animal, group, and flock.
  • All the data, analysis, and advice are in one place, all very accessible.
  • There is data from the past, and data from the present, so it’s possible to get a forecast for the future.

Prerequisites and/or limits:

  • The software installation and registration
  • Cost is 50-100 Euro monthly per flock, depending on flock size.


Production system (Dairy or/and meat sheep/goat):

Dairy Sheep and Goats

Category of Animal (ewe, goat, replacement, lamb, kid):

Ewe, Goat


Dairy Goats Dairy Sheep Meat Sheep
NIBIO Tjøtta – Digifarm Norway
UNISS, Universty of Sassari Department of Agriculture
Le CHIIRPO - Sm@RT Platform
CIIRPO Le Mourier – Digifarm France
Norway Innovative Farm: Elgvasslien, Folldal
Norway Innovative Farm: Oppisto Mjøen, Oppdal
Norway Innovative Farm: Kvalsjord Gård, Oppdal
Norway Innovative farm: Usti Gard, Oppdal
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