
  • Deciding on feeding groups/Link between the state of the animals & feeding
  • Distribution/Management of concentrate allocation during lambing
  • Lambing records/ewe performance
  • Scanning and dividing ewe groups for appropriate nutrition


Determine pregnancy and litter size in ewes, to facilitate nutrition planning.


Ewes can be scanned to diagnose pregnancy and expected litter size. This facilitates nutrition planning pre-lambing. Expected lambing date can also be predicted.

How to implement:

A trained operator uses an ultrasound scanner and specially designed crate to quickly identify pregnancy and/or expected litter size. Ewes are marked to record litter size and EID recording may be used.

Expected benefits:

  • Quick, stress free and undertaken with sheep in standing position in a designated crate.
  • Identifies barren ewes that can be culled or sold.
  • To facilitate nutrition planning in late pregnancy ewes can be grouped according to expected litter size to avoid under or over feeding.

Prerequisites and/or limits:

  • Ewes should be restricted from feed for about 10 hours in advance of scanning
  • Availability of trained operator with equipment
  • Facilities to group ewes according to expected litter size pre-lambing

Cost / Benefit Analysis

Social, environmental and welfare assessments: –



Production system (Dairy or/and meat sheep/goat):

Dairy and meat sheep

Category of Animal (ewe, goat, replacement, lamb, kid):

Ewe, replacement

Source of information:




What is the expected uptake of this technology and when might peak uptake happen?


Dairy Goats Dairy Sheep Meat Sheep
NIBIO Tjøtta – Digifarm Norway
UNISS, Universty of Sassari Department of Agriculture
Le CHIIRPO - Sm@RT Platform
CIIRPO Le Mourier – Digifarm France
UK Innovative Farm – Southfield
Italian Innovative Farm: Dairy Sheep
Italian Innovative Farm: Dairy Goat 2
Italian Innovative Farm: Dairy Goat 1