
Early detection of troubles (feeding, sanitary…)


Weight monitoring without additional work


The Walk over Weighing is a weighing crate with less contention. It is composed of 2 weighing bars which ensure a dynamic weighing. This means that animals don’t have to stop to be weighed, the scale calculates the means of several weight.

How to implement:

The scale must be positioned between two separate areas with a defined direction of travel through the scale (Example below).

SmaRT Platform Solutions - Walk Over Weighing (WOW) 2

Expected benefits:

  • Weight monitoring (At least one weight per week for each animal)
  • Increase productivity (early detection of troubles)
  • Gain of time (Less/No weighting session)

Prerequisites and/or limits:

  • Have a flock management software
  • Provide a learning time for animals
  • Have “large”, accessible and flexible spaces

Cost / Benefit Analysis

The scale must be positioned between two separate areas with a defined direction of travel through the scale (Example below).


Production system (Dairy or/and meat sheep/goat):

Dairy and meat sheep

Category of Animal (ewe, goat, replacement, lamb, kid):


Source of information:

OtoP 3D project:

Dairy Goats Dairy Sheep Meat Sheep
NIBIO Tjøtta – Digifarm Norway
UNISS, Universty of Sassari Department of Agriculture
Le CHIIRPO - Sm@RT Platform
CIIRPO Le Mourier – Digifarm France
Norway Innovative Farm: Elgvasslien, Folldal
Norway Innovative Farm: Oppisto Mjøen, Oppdal
Norway Innovative Farm: Kvalsjord Gård, Oppdal
Norway Innovative farm: Usti Gard, Oppdal
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