Sm@ll Ruminant Technologies Solutions
Weight recording water trough
The Weight Recording Water Trough monitors individual weight, water consumption and drinking habits. The data collected is processed to generate business insights to the farmer.
Weighing and sorting crate
Weighing and sorting crate
Weather station
Weather station
Water meter
Water meter
Walk over Weighing (WoW)
The Walk over Weighing is a weighing crate with less contention. It is composed of 2 weighing bars which ensure a dynamic weighing. This means that animals don’t have to stop to be weighed, the scale calculates the means of several weight.
Walk Over Weighing
Walk Over Weighing
Virtual fences
Virtual fences
Virtual fence
With virtual fences one can control where animals are allowed to stay and/or graze, monitor animals on pastures and get notification of events and allocate new pasture without having to move physical fences
Ultra High Frequency RFID tag
Ultra High Frequency RFID tag
Ultra High Frequency RFID ear tag
The UHF RFID identification tag linked with a suitable antenna allows multiple and simultaneous readings of animals, at distances of several meters, unlike official tags (at low frequency). This device makes possible to read the identification numbers on lots of moving animals and adapts to individual proximity reading for the analysis of attendance at points of interest (watering trough, trough, for example).
UK Innovative Farm – Southfield
Infographic of one of the UK meat sheep innovative farms
Sm@RT and Monitor Farms Scotland- Farmers Get Hands on With Tech
Download the Sm@RT and Monitor Farms Scotland report Farmers Get Hands on WIth Tech