
  • Recording/collecting/analysing health data is time-consuming/recording tags health issues, including withdrawal period
  • Combining of individual health data and all other data
  • Lambing records/ewe performance
  • Identification of the young ewes
  • Monitoring the reproduction (tool to identify ewes for insemination/tupping dates/)/Ram health monitoring/fertility testing
  • Recognising and/or weighing your sheep automatically
  • Performance recording (growth rates, slaughter data etc.)
  • Added value of digital technologies (cost, use of technologies at some periods).


To identify animals automatically, record data and upload to database


EID handheld wand can be used to scan any animal which has an EID tag. Once identified, the device can be used to input data e.g. weight, body condition score. Depending on the wand more information can be input e.g. medical treatment, litter size, breeding information, lambing difficulty etc. The data is then uploaded to a software package i.e. data base which can be viewed and compiled.

How to implement:

The wand must be positioned near the animal’s EID tag to identify the animals. Data can then be recorded, saved and uploaded to software package.

Expected benefits:

  • Performance and health recording
  • Parentage and litter size recording
  • Facilitates selecting replacements
  • Can record animal movement on/off farm

Prerequisites and/or limits:

  • Animals must be EID tagged
  • Needs a flock software package
  • Requires training

Cost / Benefit Analysis

Social, environmental and welfare assessments: –



Production system (Dairy or/and meat sheep/goat):

Dairy and meat sheep

Category of Animal (ewe, goat, replacement, lamb, kid):

Ewe, replacement, lamb

Source of information:



NIBIO Tjøtta – Digifarm Norway
UNISS, Universty of Sassari Department of Agriculture
Le CHIIRPO - Sm@RT Platform
CIIRPO Le Mourier – Digifarm France
Storsteigen Agricultural College – Digifarm Norway
Norway Innovative Farm: Elgvasslien, Folldal
Norway Innovative Farm: Oppisto Mjøen, Oppdal
Norway Innovative Farm: Kvalsjord Gård, Oppdal
Norway Innovative farm: Usti Gard, Oppdal
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